IPA: sˈaɪrʌn
- (Greek mythology) One of a group of nymphs who lured mariners to their death on the rocks.
- One who sings sweetly and charms.
- A dangerously seductive woman.
- A member of Sirenia, an order of mammals.
- A member of a genus of aquatic salamanders of the family Sirenidae, commonly used for all species in the family Sirenidae.
- Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Hestina.
- A device, either mechanical or electronic, that makes a piercingly loud sound as an alarm or signal, or the sound from such a device (first recorded 1879).
- (music) A musical instrument, one of the few aerophones in the percussion section of the symphony orchestra (patented as Acme Siren in 1895).
- An instrument for demonstrating the laws of beats and combination tones.
- (astronomy, astrophysics) An astrophysical event that can be used for calculating cosmic distances.
- A village, the county seat of Burnett County, Wisconsin, United States.
- A town in Burnett County, Wisconsin, United States, surrounding the village of the same name.
- To make a noise with, or as if with, a siren.
- Relating to or like a siren.
Examples of "siren" in Sentences
- The siren is supposed to be (bleep) aggressive; it’s supposed to yell Oi!
- Starbucks '"splash sticks" are in the in the shape of the siren from the coffee chain's logo.
- The Drudge siren is whirring, and the Associated Press is reporting: Barack Obama has done it.
- If the siren is still included on Starbucks products today it is in the form of this new, not so improved logo.
- The siren is another name for mermaids who lure sailors to their deaths upon the rocks of the tumultuous ocean.
- Furthermore, the siren has nothing whatsoever to do with Moby Dick, as there is no mention of the word siren in the entire book.
- The second one I snapped into place shaped my chesticles into the kind of cone-shape you'd be likely to see on a screen siren from the 1940's.
- This dub siren sound engine is based on a classic siren circuit using two square wave oscillators generated by 555 timer IC's, with 100% analogue circuitry creating
- By means of an apparatus called the siren, it is possible to calculate the number of vibrations producing any given musical note, such, for example, as middle C on the piano.
- Voices yell at her as she shoves and struggles, they curse, someone hits her with an umbrella, but she does not care, the siren is screaming and she must get away, she must, she must, she must.