IPA: sˈɪsɝˈɪntʃiʌm
- (botany) Any plant of the genus Sisyrinchium.
Examples of "sisyrinchium" in Sentences
- Find 4-inch pots of sisyrinchium species at Cal Flora Nursery (calfloranursery. com),
- In the case of sisyrinchium, the category would be "plants that could be a grass or an iris for
- This plant's genus name refers to another Iridaceae genus, Moraea sisyrinchium, in the way the corm tunics resemble a shaggy coat (in Greek, sisyra).
- _sisyrinchium_, or blue-eyed grass, is a pretty little flower of an azure blue, with golden spot at the base of each petal; the leaves are flat, stiff, and flag-like; this pretty flower grows in tufts on light sandy soils.