
IPA: skˈɛptɪsɪzʌm


  • The practice or philosophy of being a skeptic.
  • A studied attitude of questioning and doubt
  • The doctrine that absolute knowledge is not possible
  • A methodology that starts from a neutral standpoint and aims to acquire certainty through scientific or logical observation.
  • Doubt or disbelief of religious doctrines

Examples of "skepticism" in Sentences

  • There probably was a line drawing of him like this in the dictionary, illustrating the word skepticism.
  • The poll indicates that the rise in skepticism is mostly due to a shift among Republicans and independents.
  • I am taking your use of the term skepticism literally and not interpreting it as veiled anti-environmentalism.
  • Today, the skepticism is about a better enabler of access to communication, and more specifically, how communication enables profound access to information.
  • "The word 'skepticism' would be in order at this time about what may or may not happen in those discussions," said Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, on his first Asia visit as Pentagon chief.
  • "I guess the word skepticism would be in order at this time as to what may or may not happen in those discussions," Mr. Panetta told reporters in Seoul, where he met on Thursday with the South Korean president, Lee Myung-bak.

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