
IPA: skˈɛtʃinʌs


  • The property of being sketchy.

Examples of "sketchiness" in Sentences

  • Of course, the smoking gun tapes that proved his sketchiness were recorded on June 23, 1972.
  • Was Lilian's difficulty in recognizing drawings due simply to their "sketchiness," their two-dimensionality, their poverty of information?
  • The sketchiness of an individual is measured, like the skewness of any given real-valued variable, by the combination of several dimensions of behavior.
  • Dismissing the marginal sketchiness within the rhetoric of "influencers" leads us as citizens to sometimes elect unethical people, support biased news networks and buy unsafe products.
  • Of course, the definitive question of "where does sketchiness lie?" is answered by the difference between the normal distribution of clarity and honesty made and expected by the average American vs. the distribution of the same by "influencers".
  • The sketchiness of an individual is measured, like the skewness of any given real-valued variable, by the combination of several dimensions of behavior -- communication based on technicality, obfuscation, ambiguity, tonality, diversion, digression, and ratio of chocolate chips to dough.
  • Additionally, as this is my first complete read-through of Sense and Sensibility, my only impressions of Colonel Brandon have been from the Emma Thompson movie, where Alan Rickman gives him panache and a serious degree of not-sketchiness and dignity that the original character perhaps does not deserve.

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