IPA: skˈɪp
- A leaping or jumping movement; the action of one who skips.
- The act of passing over an interval from one thing to another; an omission of a part.
- (video games) A trick allowing the player to proceed to a later section of the game without playing through a section that was intended to be mandatory.
- (music) A passage from one sound to another by more than a degree at once.
- A person who attempts to disappear so as not to be found.
- (radio) skywave propagation
- (Australia, New Zealand, Britain) A large open-topped container for waste, designed to be lifted onto the back of a truck to remove it along with its contents. (see also skep).
- (mining) A transportation container in a mine, usually for ore or mullock.
- (steelmaking) A skip car.
- (UK, Scotland, dialect) A skep, or basket, such as a creel or a handbasket.
- A wheeled basket used in cotton factories.
- (sugar manufacture) A charge of syrup in the pans.
- A beehive.
- (specially) The captain of a sports team. Also, a form of address by the team to the captain.
- (curling) The player who calls the shots and traditionally throws the last two rocks.
- (bowls) The captain of a bowls team, who directs the team's tactics and rolls the side's last wood, so as to be able to retrieve a difficult situation if necessary.
- (scouting, informal) The scoutmaster of a troop of scouts (youth organization) and their form of address to him.
- (Australia, slang) An Australian of Anglo-Celtic descent.
- (Trinity College, Dublin, historical) A college servant.
- (slang) A skip-level manager; the boss of one's boss.
- A male given name from Old Norse.
- Short for skipper, the master or captain of a ship, or other person in authority. [(nautical) The master of a ship.]
- (intransitive) To move by hopping on alternate feet.
- (intransitive) To leap about lightly.
- (intransitive) To skim, ricochet or bounce over a surface.
- (transitive) To throw (something), making it skim, ricochet, or bounce over a surface.
- (transitive) To disregard, miss or omit part of a continuation (some item or stage).
- (transitive, informal) Not to attend (some event, especially a class or a meeting).
- (transitive, informal) To leave, especially in a sudden and covert manner.
- To leap lightly over.
- To jump rope.
- To cause the stylus to jump back to the previous loop of the record's groove, continously repeating that part of the sound, as a result of excessive scratching or wear. (of a phonograph record)
- (knitting, crocheting) To pass by a stitch as if it were not there, continuing with the next stitch.
- (printing) To have insufficient ink transfer.
- To place an item in a skip (etymology 2, sense 1).
Examples of "skip" in Sentences
- The Bayer Family Blog: Whoops, forgot a title skip to main
- The Genealogue: A DNA Dilemma skip to main skip to sidebar
- Norfolk Blogger: Sorry Iain skip to main | skip to sidebar
- Not Waving But Drowning: Streets of Berlin skip to main | skip to sidebar
- Zombaritaville: We're Craving Brains Again skip to main | skip to sidebar
- Minor Revisions: Minor Revisions: the meaning behind the title skip to main
- The Genealogue: All Thanks to a Weird Nickname skip to main skip to sidebar
- Norfolk Blogger: Labour "talking up" the BNP again skip to main | skip to sidebar
- The Genealogue: The Curse of the French-Sounding Surname skip to main skip to sidebar
- The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: just for the label skip to main