IPA: skˈɪt
- A short comic performance.
- A jeer or sally; a brief satire.
- (obsolete) A wanton girl; a wench.
- (transitive, Ireland, Liverpool, Merseyside) To make fun of.
- (regional, intransitive) To leap aside; to caper.
Examples of "skit" in Sentences
- The comedy club featured a hilarious skit about a dysfunctional family at Thanksgiving dinner
- The school talent show included a skit where students acted out famous scenes from movies
- We wrote and performed a skit for our friends at the campfire, making everyone laugh until tears rolled down our cheeks
- The improv group came up with a skit on the spot, showcasing their quick wit and creativity
- As a child, I loved putting on skits with my siblings in the backyard, pretending to be characters from our favorite TV shows