IPA: skˈʌɫk
- A group of foxes.
- (figuratively) A group of people seen as being fox-like (e.g. cunning, dishonest, or having nefarious plans).
- The act of skulking.
- The act of moving in a stealthy or furtive way.
- A stealthy or furtive gait or way of moving.
- The act of avoiding an obligation or responsibility.
- (obsolete, chiefly nautical, military) One who avoids an obligation or responsibility.
- To stay where one cannot be seen, conceal oneself (often in a cowardly way or with the intent of doing harm).
- To move in a stealthy or furtive way; to come or go while trying to avoid detection.
- To avoid an obligation or responsibility.
Examples of "skulk" in Sentences
- The thief skulked in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike
- The fox skulked through the underbrush, hunting for its next meal
- The suspicious figure skulked around the corner, trying to avoid being seen
- She could feel eyes skulking on her as she walked through the dark alley
- The detective watched as the suspect skulked away from the crime scene, knowing he had caught the culprit in the act