IPA: skˈʌɫ
- (anatomy) The main bones of the head considered as a unit; including the cranium, facial bones, and mandible.
- These bones as a symbol for death; death's-head.
- (figuratively) The mind or brain.
- A crust formed on the ladle, etc. by the partial cooling of molten metal.
- The crown of the headpiece in armour.
- (Scotland) A shallow bow-handled basket.
- Obsolete form of school (“a multitude”). [(Canada, US) An institution dedicated to teaching and learning; an educational institution.]
- To hit in the head with a fist, a weapon, or a thrown object.
- (transitive, golf) To strike the top of (the ball).
- To drink everything that remains in a glass by upending it.
Examples of "skull" in Sentences
- The archaeologist carefully brushed dirt away from the ancient skull buried in the ground
- He had a tattoo of a skull on his arm, giving him a tough and edgy appearance
- The skull-shaped cloud looming in the sky seemed ominous and foreboding
- The forensic scientist examined the fractured skull to determine the cause of death
- The pirate captain proudly displayed the skull and crossbones flag on his ship, a symbol of danger and adventure