IPA: sɫˈæbɝ
- Moisture falling from the mouth; slaver.
- A saw for cutting slabs from logs.
- A slabbing machine.
- (US, informal) An inhabitant of Slab City, a snowbird campsite in the Colorado Desert in southeastern California.
- (intransitive) To let saliva or other liquid fall from the mouth carelessly; drivel; slaver.
- (transitive) To eat hastily or in a slovenly manner, as liquid food.
- (transitive) To wet and befoul by liquids falling carelessly from the mouth; slaver; slobber.
- (transitive) To cover, as with a liquid spill; soil; befoul.
Examples of "slabber" in Sentences
- The toddler continued to slabber all over his bib while eating his lunch
- The dog slabbered excitedly as his owner returned home from work
- I can't stand it when people slabber while they eat, it's so unappetizing
- The disgusting sound of his slabbering echoed through the quiet room
- She wiped the slabber from her baby's chin with a cloth