IPA: sɫˈækʌn
- (intransitive) To gradually decrease in intensity or tautness; to become slack.
- (transitive) To make slack, less taut, or less intense.
- To deprive of cohesion by combining chemically with water; to slake.
Examples of "slacken" in Sentences
- As the tension in the room escalated, she tried to take slow, deep breaths in order to slacken her racing heart
- The boat captain instructed the crew to slacken the sails in order to adjust their course in the windy conditions
- Despite her best efforts, she couldn't seem to slacken her grip on the handlebars during the intense bike race
- The physical therapist gently massaged the patient's muscles to help slacken the tight knots caused by years of poor posture
- With each passing day, his resolve to quit smoking continued to slacken as the cravings grew stronger
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