IPA: sɫˈækɝ
- One who procrastinates or is lazy.
- A person lacking a sense of direction in life; an underachiever.
- A member of a certain 1990s subculture associated with Generation X.
- (dated, US) A person who seeks to avoid military service.
- (rare, slang) A user of the Slackware Linux distribution.
Examples of "slacker" in Sentences
- He always shows up late to work and never finishes his assignments on time - what a slacker
- The slacker in our group project didn't contribute anything and we had to do all the work ourselves
- I can't believe he's been slacking off all day when there's so much work to be done
- She's such a slacker when it comes to studying for exams, always waiting until the last minute
- Don't be a slacker, get up and start being productive