
IPA: sɫˈækɫi


  • In a slack manner.

Examples of "slackly" in Sentences

  • With these, as we now slackly say, he could “identify.”
  • The mouth inside the bubble fell slackly; then Bowman pulled himself together.
  • Through my binoculars the slackly wound body looked as full and fat as a python's coils.
  •  Billy's eyes caught a indefinite blur of VW in his rearview mirror and his mouth gaped slackly.
  • But then who could have imagined, post-Hatfield, that maintenance and warning systems would continue to be so slackly applied?
  • He thinks first and foremost of the markets; when one kind of good begins to go off slackly, he is ready with something new and appetising.
  • His hands hung slackly to his knees; Rubashov, who now had his back turned to the lamp, saw him like an apparition in the footlights of a stage.

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