IPA: sɫˈæg
- Waste material from a mine.
- Scum that forms on the surface of molten metal.
- Impurities formed and separated out when a metal is smelted from ore; vitrified cinders.
- Hard aggregate remaining as a residue from blast furnaces, sometimes used as a surfacing material.
- Scoria associated with a volcano.
- (UK, Ireland, slang, derogatory) A prostitute or promiscuous woman; a slut.
- (UK, Ireland, derogatory, dated) A coward.
- (UK, Ireland, chiefly Cockney, derogatory) A contemptible person, a scumbag.
- (transitive) To produce slag.
- (intransitive) To become slag; to agglomerate when heated below the fusion point.
- (transitive) To reduce to slag.
- (transitive, slang) To talk badly about; to malign or denigrate (someone).
- (transitive, Ireland, slang) To make fun of; to take the piss (tease, ridicule or mock).
- (intransitive, Australia, slang) To spit.
Examples of "slag" in Sentences
- The metal industry creates a lot of slag as a byproduct of the smelting process
- The factory had to dispose of tons of slag waste in an environmentally friendly manner
- The old abandoned mine was filled with piles of slag left over from years of excavation
- The blacksmith used the slag from the forge as a building material for his workshop
- The archaeologists uncovered ancient slag remnants from an old iron production site