
IPA: sɫˈændʒinʌs


  • The state or condition of being slangy.

Examples of "slanginess" in Sentences

  • Mr. Callahan's book is very good, but he is much under the sway of the willful subjectivity and slanginess of Pauline Kael.
  • As unavoidable circumstances forced one to take him, -- commonness, slanginess, appalling ignorance, and all, -- one could not leave him.
  • Still, though, however contemptible (and blatant, insulting, blah blah blah) it was, Bush's lie had about it an appealing teenage slanginess.
  • Schacht really is Holden's amoral 21st-century cousin: He shares the profane slanginess and the petulant self-righteousness of Salinger's famous malcontent.
  • Its ominous English title is appropriate enough for its mood, except for the easy current slanginess of that phrase, mouthed by so many of us now on trivial occasions.
  • Whether they are recognized as slang will certainly depend in part on whether the occupation is familiar, though sometimes the familiarity will disguise, and sometimes it will conceal the slanginess.
  • "His contrasts of slanginess and gentility, his mingled audacity and _insouciance_ of character, and all the picturesque ins and outs of his moral architecture, so different from the severe plainness of the spiritual temples common in New Boston," do take the eye of peace-bred
  • The English newspapers, with the exception of a few anomalies such as Pink-Un, lean in the other direction; their fault is not slanginess, but an otiose ponderosity—in Dean Alford’s words, “the insisting on calling common things by uncommon names; changing our ordinary short Saxon nouns and verbs for long words derived from the Latin.
  • It's true that American academics tend to be more formal stuffier? than their current British counterparts, all stereotypes aside, although the current trend in British academic prose--rapid shifts from the formal to the informal register, occasional slanginess, offhanded walloping of other scholars--may be its own "form" instead of something truly "personal."

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