IPA: sɫˈæʃɝ
- One who slashes.
- A machine for applying size to warp yarns.
- (informal, film) A horror movie with graphic blood and violence; a slasher movie.
- A murderer in such a film.
- One who self-injures by cutting.
- A tool for cutting undergrowth.
- (fandom slang) One who writes slash fiction and/or supports male/male ships.
- (UK, military, historical, slang) A member of the 28th (North Gloucestershire) Regiment of Foot.
Examples of "slasher" in Sentences
- Here in this part of Florida, the chosen artificial device is called a slasher.
- Michael Myers, to me, is the scariest of all the iconic killers in slasher films.
- I think there’s an excellent chance that one way he gets off is by going to look at what they call the slasher films.
- I just don't want it to turn on it heels like the Sunshine ending with insane captain slasher played by Mark Strong (that guy is some serious show stealer) ....
- Known for bringing a panoply of sex and violence to the world's great opera houses, Mr. Bieito, 48 years old, is responsible for creating an operatic sub-genre that could be called "slasher Mozart," in which the beauty and grace of opera music is visually contrasted with a torrent of bodily fluids sprayed over a stage decorated with what looks like actual trash.