
IPA: sɫˈæt


  • A thin, narrow strip or bar of wood (lath), metal, or plastic.
  • (aviation) A control surface that extends forwards and downwards from the leading edge of a wing, leaving a gap between it and the leading edge, in order to modify the airflow around the wing so as to allow flight at a higher angle of attack without stalling, lowering the aircraft's stall speed.
  • (skiing, slang) A ski.
  • A thin piece of stone; a slate.


  • To construct or provide with slats.
  • To slap or strike; to beat, pummel; to hurl or throw down violently.
  • (Britain, dialectal) To split; to crack.
  • To set on; to incite.

Examples of "slat" in Sentences

  • a cleat in the main deck, would give a "slat," with great violence.
  • Stumpy had nothing to do but pull them in and "slat" them off as fast as they could.
  • a bed slat, which is a powerfully strong moral agent for making a boy see the error of his ways.
  • They laughed, of course, and remarked each to the other, "Brown, you're getting a 'slat' to-night."
  • At the side of the slat were the total inches of height, laid off in halves, quarters, eighths, and so on, and to the right a length measurement for the arm.
  • After encountering Liebling in the New Yorker, those readers understood exactly why he, with irrefutable, amiable logic, regarded the press as "the weak slat under the bed of democracy."
  • In order for a Stryker and its up to 11-person crew to survive an RPG, it will have to be fitted with what's called slat armor, a sort of bird cage that causes the grenade to detonate prematurely.
  • She had thrown on a "slat" sunbonnet, and pinned a red shawl about her shoulders, but had shaken her head so vigorously that the shawl had slipped down and the sunbonnet back, while the frills of her muslin cap waved blindingly before her spectacles.

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