IPA: sɫˈɔtɝ
- (uncountable) The killing of animals, generally for food.
- A massacre; the killing of a large number of people.
- (rare) A mass destruction of non-living things.
- A rout or decisive defeat.
- A group of iguanas.
- A surname.
- A town in Louisiana.
- (transitive) To butcher animals, generally for food.
- (transitive, intransitive) To massacre people in large numbers.
- (transitive) To kill someone or something, especially in a particularly brutal manner.
Examples of "slaughter" in Sentences
- The villagers gathered around as the butcher prepared to slaughter the cow
- The sight of the slaughter made the young girl turn away in horror
- The soldiers marched into the village and began the brutal slaughter of innocent civilians
- The slaughter of animals for food is a controversial topic among animal rights activists
- The massacre was described as one of the bloodiest slaughters in the town's history