IPA: sɫˈeɪvɝ
- Saliva running from the mouth; drool.
- A person engaged in the slave trade; a person who buys, sells, or owns slaves.
- A white slaver, who sells prostitutes into illegal 'sex slavery'.
- (nautical) A ship used to transport slaves.
- (intransitive) To drool saliva from the mouth; to slobber.
- (intransitive) To fawn.
- (transitive) To smear with saliva issuing from the mouth.
- To be besmeared with saliva.
Examples of "slaver" in Sentences
- The slaver was forced to toil away in the scorching sun, his body covered in sweat and dirt
- The slave owner cracked his whip, urging the slaver to work faster in the fields
- The slaver's hands were calloused from years of backbreaking labor
- The slaver longed for freedom, dreaming of a life where he was not bound by chains
- The slaver's eyes showed a mix of fear and resignation as he carried out his master's orders