
IPA: sɫˈipɪŋ


  • The state of being asleep, or an instance of this.


  • Asleep.
  • Used for sleep; used to produce sleep.

Examples of "sleeping" in Sentences

  • The term "sleeping with the enemy" may take on new meaning on the upcoming season of "Survivor: One World."
  • "I love being a father but whoever came up with the phrase 'sleeping like a baby' definitely never had a baby," he jokes, ruefully.
  • I must draw the conclusion that _throughout our entire sleeping state we are just as certain that we are dreaming as we are certain that we are sleeping_.
  • Soon, soft warm little rain drops began to fall on the chrysalis (for that is what we call the sleeping caterpillar), whispering: "Spring is coming and it's time to awake!"
  • They could hardly sew their own clothes; indeed, the greater part of their time was spent in sleeping, which is a mode many women adopt of arriving at the degree of embonpoint thought becoming.
  • In Washington D.C., the National Park Service gave Occupy protesters a Monday deadline to end what it called "sleeping activity" at two longstanding camps established by demonstrators in the nation's capital.
  • MUMBAI Reuters - The term 'sleeping giant' is often used to describe Indian soccer and its massive potential talent pool, but national team coach Armando Colaco thinks officials have to wake up to the problems at grassroots level if India are to ever play in the World Cup finals.
  • His conversation continually runs upon the feasibility of our making a night attack for'ard, and he is perpetually questioning Tom Spink and Louis on their ideas of where the various men may be sleeping -- the point of which always is: _Where is the second mate likely to be sleeping_?
  • My wife and I have for many years observed what we call the sleeping giant of Christian higher education where scholars have quietly devoted themselves to equip their own minds and prepare students in real world studies of the sciences and humanities, classical and modern because their evangelical churches gave them nothing else to do.

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