
IPA: sɫˈipwɔkɝ


  • Someone who walks about in their sleep.

Examples of "sleepwalker" in Sentences

  • I walked out and up the stairs, but I felt like a sleepwalker.
  • A sleepwalker is a shapeshifting vampire / werebeast who lives off the energy of virgins.
  • Telemachus is an occasional sleepwalker, and his behavior during those bouts shows the heavy influence of dream logic.
  • "sleepwalker" ad ranked No. 5 out of 63 ads gauged by USA Today's Ad Meter, the most closely watched poll of Super Bowl ads 'popularity.
  • Although Lin, the character, comes to see how communism has made him an emotional "sleepwalker," few real-life Chinese reach such an understanding, says Jin.
  • We were struck by a change in Lady M. from imperious ambition as good as dignified callousness in early scenes to frightened, implicitly tortured sleepwalker in a critical late scene.
  • The Vice Dean asked us given Lady Macbeth changes as she does from a ironwilled accomplice to attempted attempted attempted attempted murder of progressing scenes to a raging sleepwalker as good as self-murder of a fifth act.

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