
IPA: sɫˈɛndɝ


  • Thin; slim.
  • (figurative) meagre; deficient
  • (Gaelic languages) Palatalized.

Examples of "slender" in Sentences

  • Cute little girls frozen forever in slender bodies.
  • I was buying and enjoying these diet sodas that were packaged in slender cans.
  • The Azzurri's esteemed defense is well-known for its ability to maintain slender leads.
  • It's horrible that we must sometimes be reminded how slender is the thread that holds our lives together.
  • Diclofenac has lead to global population declines as high as 99 percent in slender-billed and other vulture species.
  • At one point Miss Drexel "seized by inspiration or desperation, with a quick movement stripped off her short, corduroy tramping-skirt, and, looking very lithe and boyish in slender-cut pongee bloomers," throws the skirt under the wheels to give the machine's wheels purchase.
  • Miss Drexel, seized by inspiration or desperation, with a quick movement stripped off her short, corduroy tramping-skirt, and, looking very lithe and boyish in slender-cut pongee bloomers, ran along the sand and dropped the skirt for a foothold for the slowly revolving wheels.

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