
IPA: sɫˈɛndɝɫi


  • Thinly, slightly, delicately.
  • meagrely; deficiently

Examples of "slenderly" in Sentences

  • An elderly, well preserved gentleman, slenderly built, showing all the signs of a man who has lived clean and has been almost an ascetic.
  • I had no compass with me, and was so slenderly acquainted with the geography of this part of the world, that the sun was of little benefit to me.
  • The coming Obama campaign will make a fuss over the Detroit bailout, helped by slenderly informed commentators who declare it an amazing success.
  • As a...shall we say slenderly built woman, the first time I went into VS to buy a bra, I was told that the only thing they had available were padded push-ups.
  • And then, that wonderful Gabriel voice of his, silent (while his creatures laboured his will), unconcerned, detached and casual, more slenderly tall and aristocratic than ever in his streaming oilskins,
  • Fame, it seems, however slenderly based, enables you to claim the whole world among your acquaintance, and a newspaper article about your death is fame enough these days, however near death newspapering itself might be.
  • And she was so slenderly and prettily the woman -- the girl, rather -- that it cut him like a knife to see her, with quick, comprehensive eyes and sharply imperative voice, superintend the launching of the whale-boat through the surf.
  • She flung the casement open, and with her bare head, from which the tresses flew back loose and dishevelled, her fair arm slenderly veiled by her mantle, returned by motion and sign the exulting shouts of the warriors, which echoed for many a furlong around.
  • At first she found fault with the more than slight cheek-hollows under the cheek-bones, but when she measured his well-knit, slenderly muscular figure, with its deep chest and heavy shoulders, she discovered that she preferred the hollows; at least they did not imply lack of nutrition.
  • A clean-and-strong-featured brunette, tall, slenderly graceful, with the lean runner's stomach, always fit as a fiddle, a distinguished figure in any group, the greying of hair over his temples (in juxtaposition to his young-textured skin and bright vital eyes) made him appear even more distinguished.

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