IPA: sɫˈaɪtɪŋɫi
- (archaic) In a slighting manner; belittlingly, contemptuously.
Examples of "slightingly" in Sentences
- ‘Did you understand the phrase slightingly?’ he asked.
- Do not speak slightingly of the three-volume novel, Cecily.
- Prokofiev spoke slightingly of his piano concerto in F major.
- He is gone, and I'll never speak slightingly of dominoes again.
- The Marquis looked slightingly at the signed and sealed paper which
- One morning it came to pass that M. Gillenormand spoke slightingly of the
- This I could make good by many, many instances, — one is enough, — Landor was once his demigod, and now, and for months back for no reason that I am aware of, he seems to avoid him, and speaks slightingly of him.
- Trethaway had the indiscretion, once or twice, to speak slightingly of him, but so fiercely was he defended by his admirers that the colonel developed the good taste to thenceforward keep his tongue between his teeth.
- “I protest, Lady Honoria,” said Mr Delvile, “that old tower, of which you are pleased to speak so slightingly, is the most honourable testimony to the antiquity of the castle of any now remaining, and I would not part with it for all the new boxes, as you style them, in the kingdom.”
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