IPA: sɫˈɪprinʌs
- (uncountable) The property of being slippery.
- (countable) The result or product of being slippery.
Examples of "slipperiness" in Sentences
- I don't think that "slipperiness" adequately characterizes what we're dealing with here.
- "slipperiness" number that tells how easily or how poorly one surface moves over another.
- The advantage of true 100% synthetics isn't measured in lubrication qualities like "slipperiness", but more in longevity and "usability".
- The slipperiness was a disadvantage on the ground, since the aircraft leaked fuel when not flying, but at least JP-7 was not a fire hazard.
- Some persons use for rubbing a well-waxed flannel; but this in general produces an unpleasant slipperiness, which is not the case with the milk.
- But I suspect it was the "slipperiness" that Nat Hentoff spoke of that allowed this biased polemic to slip under the radar of the editors of New York.