IPA: sɫˈoʊgʌnˈɪr
- (politics) Someone who makes and spreads slogans.
- (politics) To make and disseminate slogans; often contrasted with substantive debate.
Examples of "sloganeer" in Sentences
- He was a great public speaker and a great sloganeer.
- I suspect that the filmmakers have their own opinion, but they were careful not to sloganeer about it.
- Senile, flag waving geriatric and delusional church lady versus smiling sloganeer empty suit and smiling sloganeer empty suit.
- Kathleen Dienne has been a reporter, a theatrical stage manager, a ghostwriter, a sloganeer, a video game consultant and a marketing analyst.
- Does Carrie Prejean rank up there with Westboro Baptist pastor and "God Hates Fags" sloganeer Fred Phelps and his family of funeral protesters?
- Israel Zangwill, the sloganeer behind “The land without a people for a people without a land,” also knew full well that Palestine was already inhabited.
- Morris Fishbein, voice of medicine as editor of the Journal of American Medical Association through the 1920s and the 1940s, was a wordsmith and sloganeer.
- Behind of the ideological tossed salad nature of many of the self professed Ayn Rand fans, I don't think it's fair to criticize Rand's ideas on the basis of the scatterbrain sloganeer like Malkin.
- During U.S. Attorney of Colorado Troy Eid's peculiar press conference Tuesday night, he characterized the men as "just a bunch of meth heads," framing his question-and-answer session with reporters more like an anti-drug campaign sloganeer than a chief law enforcement official: