IPA: sɫˈʌvʌn
- A habitually dirty or untidy man or boy; the male equivalent of slattern, or slut.
- A low, base, lewd person.
- (obsolete) An immoral woman.
Examples of "sloven" in Sentences
- I learned Lambaneish insults meaning slattern, sloven, idler, lackwit.
- They are the most unpatriotic, sloven, knuckle-draggers I've ever seen.
- This sloven real life jabba the hut is really a nuisance to society, but he has his moments of entertainment. jvoe Says:
- As to his dress in general, he cannot indeed be called a sloven, but sometimes he is too gaudy, at other times too plain, to be uniformly elegant.
- Tim and Eric are perhaps the most notorious for aping the style of public access programs, showcasing the sloven nature of the worst television has to offer, but they have something original to say, to express.
- The others would purse their lips and say that it could happen to anyone and not everyone always had a suitable piece of handwork ready, but their tone and looks said all too clearly that this woman was a sloven.
- Obviously the most problematic is the one about people who have unkempt or sloven appearances, which is not only highly subjective but also have only a tenuous at best relationship to potential misuse of firearms.