IPA: sɫˈʌmgˈʌɫjʌn
- A stew of meat and vegetables.
- A beverage made watery, such as weak coffee or tea.
- A reddish muddy deposit in mining sluices.
- A mixture of unrelated things, a jumble or hodgepodge.
- A waste product or byproduct from processing whales or fish.
Examples of "slumgullion" in Sentences
- The hearty stew called slumgullion was a favorite comfort food during the cold winter months
- The savory aroma of slumgullion filled the kitchen, making everyone's mouths water
- The chef added a dash of secret seasoning to the slumgullion, giving it a unique and delicious flavor
- After a long day of hiking, a hot bowl of slumgullion was just what we needed to warm up
- The homeless shelter served a simple meal of bread and slumgullion to those in need