IPA: smˈɑrm
- Smarmy language or behavior.
- (fandom slang) A style of fan fiction in which characters are warm and caring toward each other but without sexual overtones.
- (intransitive) To fawn, to be unctuous.
- (transitive) To address in a fawning and unctuous manner.
Examples of "smarm" in Sentences
- I'd turn off the music and announce, using my best Pat Sajak smarm...
- Mrs. Grimble recommenced the client interrogatory, turning on the smarm.
- Many will not find this kind of smarm funny in such a serious matter as the election date.
- This type of smarm and patronization is how the democrats alienate the middle class and will ultimately lose the next election for them.
- We'd been together for more than 10 years and I'd had a bellyful of the 'smarm' and yearned for a bit of rough handling by a big clunking fist.
- Microsoft and Asus have teamed up to present a new advertising smarm-storm intended to extol the virtues of Windows on netbooks – and smear Linux.
- The quiddity of a terminal is smarm, or perhaps a smarmy hustling: sweating, fat men counting bills with strange intensity under a light besieged by insects.
- Flynn, the sarcastic and smug janitor from highly touted show Scrubs, carries on the snark and smarm as Mike who is a quarry manager and likes to live life by his own set of rules.
- The domina offered up one of her virgin slaves to Varrus' smarm-meister friend Cossutius, who roughly deflowered her with the help of a gladiator chosen specifically for his filthiness.