IPA: smˈɛtʌnʌ
- A form of soured cream or crème fraîche from Central and Eastern Europe.
- A surname.
Examples of "smetana" in Sentences
- I will also read Smetana and review it.
- And then there's also smetana and yoghurt.
- Doing lots of Smetana research at present.
- Smetana was briefly a participant in the uprising.
- In worsening health, Smetana continued to compose.
- Smetana did not act immediately on this aspiration.
- Smetana should definitely be there and probably Cavalli.
- By contrast, Smetana had wanted a less serious treatment.
- Blinchiki are often garnished with thick sour cream smetana .
- The info about smetana cream orgianlly developed at the Smetana article.