IPA: smˈaɪɫɪŋ
- The action of the verb to smile.
- That smiles or has a smile.
Examples of "smiling" in Sentences
- They had been there before and were again smiling happily.
- They have a nice almond-shaped eye, a very bright eye, what I call a smiling eye.
- Especially with gang members, calling them sir and smiling is something they hate.
- Little Jayden left me speechless there … and that picture of Sean smiling is so precious.
- So Obama smiling is arrogance? unbelievable ... if he had a frown he would be the angry black man.
- Vida really did not love her native land, she seemed to enjoy well enough what she called smiling 'the St. Martin's Summer' of her success in London society.
- Along with legitimate claims, a series of objectors - one was known as "Queen Sister" - peppered him with questions including whether he was a communist, had caused the 1993 siege at Waco, Texas, and was familiar with the term "smiling like a butcher's dog."
- By contrast, the ranks of subjects whom Andy represented, like himself, occluded and determinedly not smiling, is equally revealing, as if to conjure not so much by passive aggression as by vaguely sexualized sullenness, even vacancy, the dominant mood of international fame in the 1970s and early to mid-1980s.