IPA: smˈɝtʃ
- (archaic) Dirt, or a stain.
- (figurative, archaic) A stain on somebody's reputation.
- (astronomy) A chirp of radiation power from an astronomical body that has a smeared appearance on its plot in the time-frequency plane (usually associated with massive bodies orbiting supermassive black holes)
- (transitive, archaic) To dirty; to make dirty.
- (transitive, figurative, archaic) To harm the reputation of; to smear or slander.
Examples of "smirch" in Sentences
- Martin, she seemed to see the smirch left upon him by his surroundings.
- Every hand but his was black with soot, and his was guiltless of the smirch of Hooniah's pot.
- What a smirch on the record of Kansas University by Paula Sayles on Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 3: 14: 59 PM
- I wouldn't be smirch anyone for living were they want to live thoufh - people just go down different paths is all.
- He came out of the Keating Five scandal (remember?) with nary a smirch while felony convictions were falling like rain.
- He was soldierly, flip, and intense about the defense of his honor, even when the smirch was well deserved or the fault his own.
- She had wandered away amid the complexities and smirch and withering heats of the great world, and she had returned, simple, and clean, and wholesome.
- Lewis puts this very well, Eugenics have made certain that only demi-gods will now be born: psycho-analysis that none of them shall lose or smirch his divinity: economics that they shall have to hand all that demi-gods require.