IPA: smˈoʊkhaʊs
- A structure used to smoke food to preserve it and to add flavor.
- A structure in which freshly harvested tobacco is cured or preserved by smoking.
Examples of "smokehouse" in Sentences
- Then Doe will be busy rendering lard and salting pork for the smokehouse.
- Plenty in the smokehouse was the cornerstone of the old time southern cookery.
- "A little house called the smokehouse was built in one of the corners of the yard.
- The Boucaniere, which means "smokehouse" in English, is a popular family-run diner in
- But in the main it was what they called a smokehouse, as it was universally known in the
- She is tending and preparing the hogs for slaughter and the meat to be cured in the smokehouse.
- The food and drink, from a "smokehouse" barbecue sandwich to a "big bowl" margarita, was mediocre at best.
- Last night I closed the door to the smokehouse where the bloodroot is kept in cardboard boxes, away from the mice and bugs.
- The smokehouse Pinney's of Orford is still there, and still smoking fish over whole oak logs pretty much as it was when Pinney set it up.