IPA: smˈoʊkɪŋ
- The act or process of emitting smoke.
- The burning and inhalation of tobacco.
- (by extension) The burning and inhalation of other substances, e.g. marijuana.
- The act of exposing (something) to smoke; (by extension) the process by which foods are cured or flavoured by smoke
- (slang, obsolete) A bantering; teasing; mockery.
- Giving off smoke.
- (slang) Sexually attractive, usually referring to a woman.
- (slang) Showing great skill or talent.
Examples of "smoking" in Sentences
- Smoking is not permitted in this building
- She took a deep drag from her cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke
- The smell of smoke lingered in the air long after the fire had been put out
- He tried to quit smoking but found it difficult to break the habit
- The smoke alarm went off, causing everyone to evacuate the building