IPA: smˈʌðɝd
- held in check with difficulty
- completely covered
Examples of "smothered" in Sentences
- Then she begged, in smothered words, that he would leave her alone a little while.
- (Dashing the glass violently from her hand to the floor and speaking in smothered voice.)
- I just mentioned that I am independent, and that feeling smothered is a big stress factor in my life.
- Nunn caught an 8-yarder but lost the ball as he was going down, and Griffin smothered it to give Texas a final chance.
- Locals refer to the smothered pork chop gravy as sauce brûlée or “burned sauce,” because you “kind of let the gravy stick on the bottom,” Mr. Poche says.
- She recalled his smothered complaints, his sudden fits of sadness, and the painful mystery of the words which he repeated frequently: "I can forget you only when I am with you."
- And this - "when she's spoken a hard truth, she has flat-out smothered that truth in love." - made me smile, for the word smothered makes me think of chicken fried chicken smothered in gravy: 0)
- Polly's hand had a soothing effect, and that after a heave or two, Tom's shoulders were quiet, and certain smothered sniffs suggested that he would be all right again, if he could only wipe his eyes without any one's seeing him do it.
- Anders Eriksson's slap shot squeaked through the pads of Bryzgalov and was almost across the line when Ed Jovanovski cleared it away and right to Reinprecht, who ended up heading the other direction on a 150-foot breakaway only to have his shot from close-in smothered by Kiprusoff.
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