
IPA: snˈæk


  • A light meal.
  • An item of food eaten between meals.
  • (slang) A very sexy and attractive person.
  • (obsolete) A share; a part or portion.


  • To eat a light meal.
  • To eat between meals.
  • (obsolete, transitive) To snatch.
  • (obsolete, transitive) To bite.
  • (obsolete, transitive) To share.

Examples of "snack" in Sentences

  • You are right, this kind of snack is eaten across the world.
  • This snack is also called Pava-chi bhaaji ie. bhaaji made from pav.
  • An apple and cheddar snack is easy to take along to work or on the road.
  • The only time consuming piece of this snack is that you need to let the layers set up one by one.
  • For 1,500 calories a day, combine this with another breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack from the menu.
  • For 1,500 calories a day, combine this with breakfast, lunch, dinner and another snack from the menu.
  • My guides led me to the big, tidy, silvery kitchen where Jesse magnanimously opened what she called the snack locker.
  • Jones, hearty and hospitable in these last hours, had provided what he called a snack, and both beer and strong waters were freely set out upon the cabin table, nor did even the Elder refuse to do him right in a parting glass of Nantz.

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synonyms for snackdescribing words for snack

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