IPA: snˈeɪkwʊd
- Brosimum guianense (family Rosaceae), an Amazonian tree having hard, speckled wood that resembles snakeskin; used in musical instruments.
- Acacia xiphophylla and Acacia intorta (family Fabaceae), trees with curving, snake-like limbs, antive to Australia.
- Any of various North American shrubs of the genus Colubrina (family Rhamnaceae), often specifically Colubrina texensis.
- Any of the shrubs of the Americas in genus Condalia (family Rhamnaceae).
snake wood
IPA: snˈeɪkwˈʊd
- tropical american tree with large peltate leaves and hollow stems
Examples of "snakewood" in Sentences
- The exotic snakewood tree grows in South America and is known for its unique pattern and colors
- Craftsmen often use snakewood to make luxury items such as knife handles and musical instruments
- The density and durability of snakewood make it a popular choice for woodworking projects
- The snakewood's distinct grain pattern resembles the skin of a snake, giving it its fitting name
- The rich red and black hues of snakewood make it a sought after material for high-end furniture and decorative items
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