IPA: snˈaɪpɝ
- A person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position.
- Any attacker using a non-contact weapon against a specific target from a concealed position.
- One who shoots from a concealed position.
- One who criticizes; a person who frequently snipes at others.
- A hunter of snipe (the bird).
- (ice hockey slang) A player who specializes in scoring goals.
- A person or automated process set up by a person who or which attempts to win an online auction by placing a bid only seconds before the auction ends, leaving no time for other bidders to respond
Examples of "sniper" in Sentences
- The sniper carefully adjusted his scope, focusing on his target in the distance
- The sound of gunfire echoed through the valley as the sniper took out his enemy with a single shot
- The sniper lay in wait, hidden in the bushes, waiting for the perfect moment to strike
- The sniper's precision aim was unmatched, making him one of the deadliest soldiers on the battlefield
- The sniper's reputation as a skilled marksman spread quickly, striking fear in the hearts of his enemies