
IPA: snˈuz


  • A brief period of sleep; a nap.
  • (informal) The snooze button on an alarm clock.
  • (informal) Something boring.


  • (intransitive) To sleep, especially briefly; to nap, doze.
  • (transitive) To pause; to postpone for a short while.

Examples of "snooze" in Sentences

  • Last week's "town hall" hosted by Tom "snooze" Brokaw being the worst.
  • Quietly utter the word 'snooze,' letting Manuel know he is to return in nine minutes.
  • No, it just proves that you are an idiot, since you think faux snooze is “fair and balanced”
  • How was it decided that nine minutes was the correct length of time for "snooze" on most clock radios?
  • All I wish to comment on here is what has been referred to as the "snooze" factor in the democratic debate.
  • Some of us are up for hours, while others simply rush out the door after hitting the "snooze" button 15 times, but either way at a certain point in our lives we've pretty much worked out our approach to starting the day.
  • I think it should just be able to recognize any words because usually when my alarm clock goes off i'm not thinking of the word snooze, i'll be there like half asleep trying forever to remember to say snooze., I would just wanna wake up and say shut the f*** up.
  • There's been a few problems: the Maria/Angel "snooze" subplots, a wooden and uninvolving performance from Julia Stiles, a pedestrian killer storyline that looked like it came off an episode of Criminal Minds, to name a few, but the problem I have had is how it has dealt with Rita's death.

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