IPA: snˈoʊbɝd
- A bird, Junco hyemalis, the dark-eyed junco.
- A bird seen primarily in the winter time.
- The snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis).
- A person, usually one who is retired, who travels from a cold climate to a warmer one in the winter; one who overwinters elsewhere.
- (slang) A cocaine user.
Examples of "snowbird" in Sentences
- The snowbird flew south for the winter to escape the cold and snowy weather
- Every year, the snowbird migrates between Canada and Florida, following the changing seasons
- As a snowbird, she spends half the year in her beach house in the south and the other half in her cozy cabin in the north
- My grandparents are snowbirds, spending winters in Arizona and summers in Minnesota to avoid extreme temperatures
- The snowbird is a symbol of resilience, adapting to different environments throughout the year