IPA: snˈoʊstɔrm
- Bad weather involving blowing winds and snow, or blowing winds and heavy snowfall amount.
- A snow globe.
Examples of "snowstorm" in Sentences
- In preparation to whatever snowstorm is coming our way?
- What if the snowstorm is what's causing the failure to communicate?
- Now the first blind of a fast train in a driving snowstorm is no summer picnic.
- Weather: The inversion has passed, but a huge snowstorm is about to envelop the Western USA and Canada, well out into the upper Great Plains.
- (AP) - Democratic Rep. John Salazar was blocked on the campaign trail Monday when a flatbed truck ran into a snowy ditch during a mountain snowstorm.
- Copenhagen (CNN) – In a strange twist, a Washington snowstorm is forcing Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, to make an early departure from a global warming summit here in Denmark.
- The postman hasn’t delivered our mail since we returned from Florida, so apparently I’ll have to make a trip to the post office and pick it up (since they won’t answer the phone!!) And now this huge snowstorm is coming, foiling my plans for Friday, which included going back to the office, getting the dogs haircuts, and rehearsing with students for a music competition on Saturday.