
IPA: snˈʌf


  • Finely ground or pulverized tobacco intended for use by being sniffed or snorted into the nose.
  • Fine-ground or minced tobacco, dry or moistened, intended for use by placing a pinch behind the lip or beneath the tongue; see also snus.
  • A snort or sniff of fine-ground, powdered, or pulverized tobacco.
  • The act of briskly inhaling by the nose; a sniff, a snort.
  • Resentment or skepticism expressed by quickly drawing air through the nose; snuffling; sniffling.
  • (obsolete) Snot, mucus.
  • (obsolete) Smell, scent, odour.
  • The burning part of a candle wick, or the black, burnt remains of a wick (which must be periodically removed).
  • (obsolete) Leavings in a glass after drinking; heeltaps.
  • (slang) A murder.
  • (attributive, slang) A film or video clip which involves a real non-acted murder.


  • To inhale through the nose.
  • To turn up the nose and inhale air, as an expression of contempt; hence, to take offence.
  • (transitive, UK, Ireland, slang, obsolete) To drug (a person) with a mixture of snuff and beer.
  • To extinguish a candle or oil-lamp flame by covering the burning end of the wick until the flame is suffocated.
  • (obsolete) To trim the burnt part of a candle wick.
  • (slang) To snuff out; to extinguish; to put out; to kill.

Examples of "snuff" in Sentences

  • The ones who cut off people’s head in snuff videos.
  • Ndaru confirmed that police recovered the panga and snuff from the slain suspect.
  • I dont choose to see murders depicted, either in snuff films or in snuff photography.
  • I'd doubt it, but you usually snort cocaine or something called snuff which is totally legal.
  • Seems to me, sir -- _snuff, snuff, snuff_ -- that the way to do him good is to let him have his own way, so long as he doesn't want to do anything silly.
  • Darwin also regularly went roaming from his study on foot, to dip snuff from a jug in the hall, or to check the mail, delivered several times a day then.
  • While they talked they indulged in snuff, and looked too closely at our ponies to make us feel altogether comfortable, the mamba standing near us being of the same opinion as ourselves.
  • I have seen equally - or more - educated immigrants (and equally "lillywhite") both in Europe and in the USA, who were treated like dirt, and denied opportunities, because their language was not up to "snuff" - their language made them sound uneducated.
  • When we had arrived at a place near the last ones, we sat down; they indulged in snuff and conferred together, while I several times suggested that we should make our way over towards the tent and settle down for the night, for we were exhausted and needed rest, while the sick man could go and place himself in the care of the mamba.

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