
IPA: snˈʌgɝi


  • (now uncommon) A comfortable room or dwelling.

Examples of "snuggery" in Sentences

  • This conversation brought them to the door of the snuggery, into which
  • Georgian style, and these, with her study and "snuggery" and bedroom on the next floor, formed the peculiar domain of Miss Nitocris.
  • Thorpe himself called the room his "snuggery," and spent many hours there in slippered comfort, smoking and gazing contentedly into the fire.
  • Solomon, instead of going home, had got into a little retired spot behind the bar, called the snuggery, and into which, of course, she attended him with a glass of liquor.
  • "snuggery," which was separated from a similar apartment by a wooden partition that stood no higher than a tall man's height, and left a space between the top stile and the ceiling.
  • It was not until late that Jack and I were able to be alone, but at length when the others had gone to bed we found ourselves in a kind of snuggery which had been especially set apart for his own personal use.
  • Accordingly, when all hands but myself had left, my host conducted me to what he called his "snuggery", which was a comer of his spacious verandah inclosed with large glazed partitions, and fitted up as a smoking-room.
  • It occurred to me that perhaps the garrison officers had furnished this snuggery as a refuge in which to entertain such female companionship as they could induce to visit them within the prison; clearly it had the advantage of privacy over the barracks.
  • Eliza, who would have liked to have finished her crying in peace, found herself ushered into its bar and then out of it again into the snuggery at the back, where there was a brisk fire burning and a small table covered with a checked tablecloth and laid for a meal.
  • I ought to envy you, and yet, when I look round my own little snuggery, which is filled with roses and the books I love, and where not a ray of sun penetrates, though it is high noon and burning hot, I only envy you your own company, which I think would be a most agreeable addition to the pleasantness of my little room.

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