IPA: snˈʌgʌɫɪŋ
- A snuggle.
Examples of "snuggling" in Sentences
- The best snuggling is often with a human; this I have found through much trial and error.
- And now, with the love-master, his snuggling was the deliberate act of putting himself into a position of hopeless helplessness.
- So this is me, staring off dazed, because it turns out that there is a fine line right now between "snuggling" and "passing out."
- It had been a while since I'd held a woman, and so I was more than happy at the idea of snuggling up against this tough-looking gal.
- John Bercow will by now be getting used to the idea of snuggling down each night in the State Bed, an elaborate Pugin four-poster in the Speaker's House.
- There was copious snuggling from the moment people arrived till the moment I left at aroun 9. 30pm (utopos arrived at 8. 30pm to pick me up and we got distracted again by good conversation and good company; P) Especial squeakyness goes to ascetic_hedony, maharetr and cricketk for much appreciated, much needed cuddles and snuggling, i am one - very - grateful lap kitty.