IPA: sˈoʊp
- (chemistry) A metallic salt derived from a fatty acid, commonly used in cleaning products.
- (countable, uncountable, informal, by extension) Some other substance, often a detergent or another surfactant, able to mix with both oil and water, used for cleaning.
- (slang) Money, specially when used as a bribe.
- (countable, informal) A soap opera.
- (countable) A solid masonry unit or brick reduced in depth or height from standard dimensions.
- (slang) thiopental (sodium pentothal)
- (computing) Acronym of Simple Object Access Protocol. (A standard Internet protocol for exchanging structured information in a distributed environment.)
- (medicine) Acronym of subjective, objective, assessment, and plan.
- (transitive) To apply soap to in washing.
- (transitive, informal) To cover, lather, or in any other manner treat with soap, often as a prank.
- (transitive, informal) To be discreet about (a topic).
- (slang, dated) To flatter; to wheedle.
Examples of "soap" in Sentences
- While not my most favorite scent, the soap is an artist marvel.
- This soap is an easy three layer loaf soap, with some sparkles thrown in for fun.
- This soap is the creation of Nizzy in Oz. Children love this soap since it floats.
- Because you will be embedding the glitter strips in the soap, make sure that the soap is a cool temperature.
- Happily the soap is also infused with peppermint and citrus scents so you don't end up smelling like a jar of coffee beans.
- This means that the soap is actually some form of lathering chemical (like SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) pressed together to form a bar of soap. "(when they give you a disbelieving look, head into this section)" Seriously!
- He was a materialist, and described himself as one: he disbelieved in what he called the soap-bubble theory, that somewhere in us there is something like a bubble, which controls everything, and is everything, and escapes invisible and gaseous to some other place after death.
- Technically speaking, however, the meaning of the term soap is considerably restricted, being generally limited to the combinations of fatty acids and alkalies, obtained by treating various animal or vegetable fatty matters, or the fatty acids derived therefrom, with soda or potash, the former giving hard soaps, the latter soft soaps.
- Remove or destroy 2-6 minutes Before donning sterile surgeon's chlorhexidine, iodine and iodophors. transient microorganisms gloves for surgical procedures. tt chloroxylenol [PCMX], triclosan) and reduce resident flora Follow manufacturer (persistent effect) instructions for Water and non-antimicrobial soap (e.g., surgical hand-scrub plain soap¶) followed by an alcohol-based product with surgical hand-scrub product with persistent activity±** persistent activity