IPA: sˈoʊpfɪʃ
- Any of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus
- Rypticus spp.
- Rypticus bicolor (mottled soapfish)
- Rypticus bistrispinus (freckled soapfish)
- Rypticus bornoi (largespotted soapfish)
- Rypticus carpenteri (slope soapfish)
- Rypticus courtenayi (Socorran soapfish)
- Rypticus maculatus (whitespotted soapfish)
- Rypticus nigripinnis (blackfin soapfish, twice-spotted soapfish)
- Rypticus randalli (plain soapfish)
- Rypticus saponaceus (greater soapfish, three-spined soapfish, soapy jack)
- Rypticus subbifrenatus (spotted soapfish)
- Grammistes sexlineatus (golden stripe soapfish, goldenstriped soapfish, six-lined soapfish, skunkfish
- Aulacocephalus temminckii (goldribbon soapfish, goldstripe grouper)
- Pogonoperca ocellata (Indian soapfish)
- Pogonoperca punctata (leaflip soapfish, spotted soapfish, snowflake soapfish, leaflip grouper)
- Diploprion bifasciatum (barred soapfish, two-banded soapfish)
- Diploprion drachi (yellowfin soapfish)
- A species of lizardfish (Synodus foetens)
Examples of "soapfish" in Sentences
- The soapfish brushed against the coral reef, leaving a trail of shimmering scales behind
- The soapfish are known for their ability to change colors to blend in with their surroundings
- The scavenging soapfish darted in and out of crevices in search of prey
- The soapfish glided gracefully through the crystal clear waters, its silver body reflecting the sunlight
- The scent of freshly caught soapfish wafted through the air as the fishermen prepared their catch for market