IPA: sˈoʊpinʌs
- The state or quality of being soapy.
Examples of "soapiness" in Sentences
- The drydown is the same skin musk as CKone, but with that overly metallic-smelling vetiver popping back in to put me off again, and an odd soapiness.
- It also opens green, with a piney soapiness that would be perfectly acceptable in a floor cleaner or car freshener, but is less alluring in an actual cologne.
- There's initially a soapiness to these stories of dastardly noblemen, goodly priests and betrayed women, but the bewildering complexity and Dickensian scope take it to another level.
- Added in 2006 to the seemingly endless series of Blu Mediterraneo series from this venerable house, Fico di Amalfi opens with an initial soapiness, which is immediately shoved aside by the light citrus peel: one can smell bergamot, orange and meyer lemon.
- It has all the soapiness that one would hope for in a book set in a boarding school who is secretly sleeping with whom, who gets voted class president, etc, but it is written with astonishing precision and intelligence, as though Gossip Girl was set in Middlemarch.
- I must admit that in a market flooded with endless uninspirational and impresonal fragrances, this has a lot of appeal to me, even if most of the Annick Goutal fragrances don't work so well on my skin because of their greenness, floralcy or soapiness except for Songes and Eau de Sud.
- Angel was good at that -- for all the utter incoherent sloppiness of a lot of the later seasons in terms of plot, it always managed to be very much about the characters while not descending into that kind of silly soapiness of bad fanfiction and bad television medical dramas, where I'm supposed to care about whoever's feelings more than I do about anything else in the fictional universe.
- I can see where some of the complaints are coming from Veronica develops a selective sort of intelligence that, for instance, leaves her blind to the 'friend'-'fiend' connection, and there's no denying a certain soapiness to the episode's plot--abandoned babies, secret paternities, multi-generational grudges, but as a whole I think this episode actually harkens to many of the show's most important themes.