IPA: sˈoʊbɝ
- A surname.
- (often with up) To make or become sober.
- (often with up) To overcome or lose a state of intoxication.
- To moderate one's feelings; to accept a disappointing reality after losing one's ability to believe in a fantastic goal.
- Not drunk; not intoxicated.
- Not under the influence of any recreational drug.
- Not given to excessive drinking of alcohol.
- (figurative) Moderate; realistic; serious; not playful; not passionate; cool; self-controlled.
- (of color) Dull; not bright or colorful.
- Subdued; solemn; grave.
- (Scotland) Poor; feeble.
Examples of "sober" in Sentences
- He laughed, too; something about the word sober, especially as applied to him, seemed absurd.
- I can't use the word sober because that's a term from those people, and I have cleansed myself.
- I can't use the word 'sober' because that's a term from those people, and I have cleansed myself.
- The phrase sober judgment emphasizes most graphically the idea of “not being drunk” or under some influence that would warp your perception of yourself.