
IPA: sˈoʊʃʌɫʌst


  • One who supports or advocates socialism.
  • A member of a party or political group that advocates socialism.


  • Of, relating to, supporting, or advocating socialism.
  • Of, belonging to, or constituting a party or political group that advocates socialism.

Examples of "socialist" in Sentences

  • I could also get you to explore the label socialist a bit more.
  • We do use the term socialist too loosely, really as a substitute for big gov't.
  • "We do use the term socialist too loosely, really as a substitute for big gov't."
  • The NY Post actually ran a story on their front page today about her bonds plan for newborns and used the term socialist in it.
  • RNC chairman Michael S. Steele is resisting the resolution even as he uses the term socialist to describe the Obama administration's fiscal policies.
  • A recent Bloomberg National Poll confirmed what was already apparent, that the Tea Party movement has an intense hatred for anything they, or their leaders, deem to be socialist while both appreciating and wanting more government support for programs they like and, of course, not really understanding what the term socialist means.
  • But what concerns me is when in some of those town hall meetings including the one that we saw in Missouri recently where there were jokes made about lynching, etc., you start to wonder whether in fact the word socialist is becoming a code word, whether or not socialist is becoming the new n-word for frankly for some angry upset birthers and others.42

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