IPA: sˈoʊʃʌɫaɪt
- A person (often a woman) of social prominence, considered to be an influential figure.
- A person who goes to fashionable parties and is often written about in the newspapers, etc.
Examples of "socialite" in Sentences
- The glamorous socialite was always seen at the trendiest events in town, dressed in designer gowns and surrounded by paparazzi
- Despite her wealthy upbringing, the socialite was known for her philanthropic efforts and dedication to various charitable causes
- The young socialite's Instagram feed was filled with photos of her extravagant vacations and exclusive parties
- The local socialite was a regular fixture at the country club, hosting elegant soirees for her friends and peers
- The infamous socialite's scandalous behavior and lavish lifestyle garnered her both admiration and criticism from the public