IPA: sˈoʊʃʌɫaɪzɝ
- One who socializes.
Examples of "socializer" in Sentences
- She was a confirmed socializer, who wanted to get the child into some sort of preschool.
- If you're a Bartle-type "socializer," you'd prefer an avatar and society that meets your needs.
- One's first socializer, one's mother ordinarily and ideally, is genetically equipped and powerfully driven to resonate with her infant.
- A parent striking a child, any socializer striking any learner, of any age, however “benevolently,” short circuits interpersonal resonance – disconnects the dancers.
- It occurs when a socializer subtly modifies the qualities of her resonance with a learner – calms the rhythm of the dance, incrementally -- and the learner integrates these changes.
- Well, as a socializer/explorer type on Bartle's scale, it's gameplay possibilities that offer lots of opportunity for exploration or discovery, plus mechanisms that foster social interactions.